Friday 15 February 2013


This has to be your number one priority! The last thing anyone likes when reading a book is finding all the spelling and grammar mistakes. No one will want to purchase a book they feel like they have to edit as they read it. That has to be the number one turn off for any consumer.
If someone gave you the option for free editing or free marketing, which one would you pick? I think most people would pick the marketing, more exposure right? WRONG! I would ALWAYS recommend your attention is on making sure your work is thoroughly edited. You can have all the marketing in the world, but if you are releasing work that is full of mistakes you'll start to receive negative reviews. I have since so many books that were rushed to become published but the author did not take the time to make sure it was fully edited. Read the reviews "from what I read, this story line has the potential to be a great book but I could not get pass all the grammatical errors. I did not finish the book thus I do not recommend unless you are an editor". Reviews like this will destroy you!

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